Monthly Archives: March 2025

God’s Word Guides Us

Bible Verse

“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” – Psalm 119:11 (NLT)


Emma’s family went on a hiking trip. As they walked, Emma noticed her dad kept looking at a map. “Why do we need that?” she asked. “Can’t we just follow the path?”

Her dad smiled. “Without a map, we might take the wrong trail. The map helps us know the right way to go.”

That night, during family devotions, Emma’s dad read from Psalm 119:11. “The Bible is like a map for our lives. It is our authoritative rule of faith and conduct, meaning it tells us what to believe and how to live.”

Emma tilted her head. “So, the Bible helps us make the right choices?”

“Yes,” Mom said. “And that’s why it’s important to memorize Bible verses. When we store God’s Word in our hearts, it helps us know what’s right and avoid sin.”

Dad added, “Just like a map helps hikers find the right path, memorizing Scripture helps us stay on the right path in life.”

Emma grinned. “So, when I don’t know what to do, the Bible can help me?”

“Exactly,” Mom said. “That’s why we should read it, memorize it, and follow it every day!”

Faith Connection

The Bible is our authoritative guide for faith and life. It teaches us what is true and how to live for God. Memorizing Bible verses helps us store God’s truth in our hearts, guiding and protecting us from sin.

Discuss It

Why do you think the Bible is called our guide for faith and conduct? How can memorizing Scripture help us in daily life?


Dear God, thank You for giving me the Bible to guide my life. Help me to read it, follow it, and memorize Your Word so I can always stay on the right path. Amen.

Live It

This week, pick one Bible verse to memorize. Write it down, say it out loud, and practice it each day. Let God’s Word guide your heart!

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